How to install BDRSuite on Linux using Terminal

You can easily install BDRsuite on both Windows and Linux. In this article, I will guide you through the installation of BDRsuite on Linux Ubuntu and demonstrate how to backup various hosts from there.

BDRsuite is a robust backup solution capable of backing up any target, including Linux. You can easily install BDRsuite on both Windows and Linux operating systems. In my previous article, I explained the process of backing up a user profile from Linux to a remote location using BDRSuite installed on either Windows or Windows Server.

In this article, I will guide you through the installation of BDRsuite on Linux Ubuntu and demonstrate how to backup various hosts from there.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log in to your Linux machine.
  2. Open the Internet browser and download BDRSuite from HERE. This will download „“.
Download BDRsuite from the official website
Download BDRsuite from the official website
  1. Navigate to the Downloads directory, click on the down arrow, and then click Open in Terminal.
Open in Terminal
Open in Terminal
  1. To run BDRSuite installer enter the command below. If your installer has a different name, please adjust it.
sudo sh
Run BDRSuite installer
Run BDRSuite installer
  1. Type the root password and press Enter.
  2. Type „Y“ or „Yes“ to proceed with VembuBDR installation.
Confirm installation
Confirm installation
  1. Press Enter until you finish scrolling down the terms and conditions. Once you come to the point where you are asked if agreed to the above license terms, type „Y“ or „Yes“ to accept the terms and conditions and press Enter.
Accept the terms on conditions
Accept the terms on conditions
  1. The installer will take care of setting up our VembuBDR server with the following orders:
  • OOBC driver
  • PostgreSQL Connector
  • VembuBDR
  • PostgreSQL
  • BDR360 Agent

Type „Y“ or „Yes“ to proceed with the installation.

Confirm the installation of mentioned components
Confirm the installation of mentioned components
  1. Under Do you want to change the default storage location for the PostgreSQL, type „N“ or „No“ and press Enter. If you really want to change it, then go with „Y“ or „Yes“.
Choose your storage location
Choose your storage location
  1. Under Do you want to change the default port 32010 for the PostgreSQL, type „N“ or „No“ and press Enter. If you really want to change it, then go with „Y“ or „Yes“.N
Choose the default port
Choose the default port
  1. Please wait until the installer installs all the abovementioned components. The procedure may take several minutes until completed.
Install of VembuBDR database has been started
Install of VembuBDR database has been started
  1. Type „Y“ to confirm installation under the selected user and press Enter.
  2. Specify the installation directory and press Enter. If you don’t specify anything, Vembu BDR will be installed in /home/vembubdr.
Specify the installation directory
Specify the installation directory
  1. As the directory doesn’t exist, you will need to create it by pressing “Y“.
Create /home/vembubdr directory
Create /home/vembubdr directory
  1. Please wait – Vembu BDR is being installed.
  2. Enter username and password for Vembu Web BDR console.
Enter username and password for Vembu BDR Web Console
Enter username and password for Vembu BDR Web Console
  1. Type „Y“ or „Yes“, or „N“ or „No“ to change the default ports for the backup server and UI Communication port. I will keep the default one and press „N“.
Choose if you want to change default ports
Choose if you want to change default ports
  1. This will install BDRSuite on your Linux machine.
Installation process has started
Installation process has started
  1. Press „Y“ or „Yes“ to start Vembu BDR now.
Confirm install of BDRSuite
Confirm install of BDRSuite
  1. Your Vembu BDR is successfully installed.
  2. Once all the components are installed, the installer will download VembuBDR from the Internet. You can perform two types of installation, install Vembu BDR by creating a new vembubdr user account with root privileges or install Vembu BDR in the current user. In my cases, I will proceed with the second option.
Choose if you want to create a new user of use the existing one
Choose if you want to create a new user of use the existing one
  1. Select the user from the above list under which you need to run the service and then press Enter.
Select the user
Select the user
  1. Please wait until VembuBDR is installed.
Installation in progress
Installation in progress
  1. Navigate to the URL and access your VembuBDRSuite and loging using your credentials.
Navigate to the URL and login to your BDRsuite
Navigate to the URL and login to your BDRsuite

You’re all set! 🎉🎉🎉

This comprehensive step-by-step guide, complete with screenshots, has provided you with the necessary instructions.

The best part? When you follow these steps, it only takes a few minutes to complete.

In the next step, you have the flexibility to perform backups for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, VMware, and Hyper-V. To explore more about the backup capabilities and supported platforms, please check here BDRSuite Archives.

I genuinely hope you found this guide helpful and that it successfully addressed your needs. If it did, why not spread the knowledge and share it with your network? They’ll surely appreciate it!

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