How to install deprecated SNMP in Windows 10 1803 and onwards

SNMP is a protocol used to monitor target host machines. It is not anymore available in Programs and Features since Windows 10 1803. But, we can still install it via PowerShell.

SNMP is a Simple Network Management Protocol used to monitor or configure target devices. Microsoft integrated SNMP v1 in Windows NT and SNMP v2c in Windows 200. Until today, Windows only supports these two versions and not SNMP v3 which supports authentication and encryption.

SNMP is a Windows feature that can be enabled in Control Panel > Programs and Features, as shown in the screenshot below. This procedure works fine in Windows 7, 8 and some Windows 10 versions.

Install and Enable SNMP Service in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 & Windows Server 2016  / 2012 (R2) - Tech Journey
Turn on or off SNMP in Windows Features

As of Windows 10 1083 and onwards, SNMP is considered as deprecated and it is not anymore listed in Control Panel > Programs and Features. The reasons are security-related.

Also, according to US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team), SNMP may be abused to gain unauthorized access to network devices and it is recommended to be disabled. Microsoft recommends using the Common Information Model (CIM), which is supported by Windows Remote Management.

It is hidden from Windows builds, but still available to be installed. Let’s do it together via PowerShell.

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name “SNMP.Client~~~~“
Add SNMP via PowerShell

Once you install SNMP, please navigate to Services and configure SNMP.

Start and configure SNMP service

Thank you for reading this article. In case of any questions, feel free to comment or contact me.

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